Things are difficult at the moment as I’m sure they are for all of us.
I’ve built up a great network of food and drink producers through the years and will speak to at least one every week. It was during one of these conversations that the idea cropped up of a group chat with a few of these producers.
So after a bit of toing and froing we found a date that suited everyone and the fortnightly “Swapping ideas, problems, thoughts and solutions” virtual meeting was born.
I suppose we are very lucky that we can all be extremely honest and open with one another about our businesses. And also be frank giving advice and thoughts to each other. We are based throughout Scotland and although our businesses are quite different we seem to be having the same problems and it is through this fortnightly chat that we come up with solutions and ideas to help one another.
Although born out of a pandemic when we are at our lowest, we’ve already decided that we will continue to have these chats if and when the crisis ends as we are finding them invaluable. It’s great to know that we aren’t alone and yes that it is good to talk.