Food and drink businesses are finding the current situation difficult. Our route to market has either become non-existent or changed to only a small percentage of what it was. But chatting to a lot of the businesses that I know, they are still thinking positive and looking to the future.
This is also a time to reflect on your business, look at what you are doing, the lines you produce and the sales of those lines. I think we are quite guilty of being reactive when it comes to our businesses. This is a great opportunity to study your strategy and business model. What has been working, what hasn’t and how you could improve. We don’t like having time on our hands, but will we ever get time like this again to really scrutinise our businesses?
Today I was chatting to a producer and it was great to see how from having loads of sales to suddenly none, how they have started production again and a new route to market. A route that they just didn’t have time for in the past.
It is difficult for a lot of us to be positive but please try to do so and also seize this once in a lifetime window where you actually have time to sit down, look at all those facts and figures and how you could change it for the better. An opportunity to maybe have a better work/life balance as I know a lot of us work 24/7 but maybe, just maybe we don’t have to.